Funding for Student Travel
This is a listing of links about funding for student travel abroad. Please e-mail with any updates or additions. Thank you!
Internal FundingĀ
- Georgetown Undergraduate Research Opportunities offers opportunities to students to assist faculty with their research, including through travel.
- The Graduate School offers travel grants for students attending academic conferences.
- The Center for Latin American Studies offers travel grants to Georgetown graduate students.
- The BMW Center for German and European Studies offers both summer and research travel grants to its MA students.
- The Office of Biomedical Graduate Education offers research and training merit-based grants to post-doctoral students, along with support in finding external grants.
- The Institute for the Study of Diplomacy offers travel grants to SFS students.
- The Asian Studies department offers several achievement and travel awards for students as well as scholarship and fellowship opportunities for their master’s candidates.
- The Student Travel Committee of the Georgetown Law Center supports student-initiated travel funding requests. The Committee, composed of facult, students, and administrators, reviews requests by individual students and student organizations. More information on how to apply for student travel funding is available here.
Other grants may be available from your school or department. Check with the appropriate officials.
External Funding
- The Office of Global Education maintains a list of grants and scholarships available to students studying abroad.
- The University Fellowship Secretary maintains a list of fellowships available to Georgetown students, many of which fund international study.
- The Graduate School maintains a listing of travel grants and fellowships, which may cover travel expenses. They also maintain arrangements for external fellowships with international organizations.
- The National Security Education Program (NSEP) accepts online applications for its David L. Boren Scholarships and Fellowships for study of world regions critical to U.S. interests. Both undergraduate and graduate students are eligible.
- The US-UK Fulbright Commission offers a variety of awards to graduate students interested in studying at UK institutions.
- The Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung offers a variety of fellowships to scientists and scholars interested in research at institutions across Germany.
- The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers RISE (Research Internship in Science and Engineering) grants to science students interested in internships at German research organizations, along with a wide variety of other travel funding.
- The Taiwan-US Sister Relations Alliance (TUSA) offers scholarships for summer study of Mandarin Chinese in Taiwan.
- The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship offers awards for undergraduate study abroad in amounts up to $5000, with special awards for students studying Critical Languages.
- The Indian Council for Cultural Relations offers scholarships to students of various nationalities.